Got a white wall? Create awesome 3D wall art with easy to make origami tricornes! No cuts and no glue needed, you just need one square of paper to create an origami tricorne, and you can join them together by folding on the back. You can then display your wall decor by hanging it on the wall to decorate your room. This easy tutorial will show you how to fold the paper tricorne and how to assemble them to create cool compositions.
Those new origami tricorne pixels are compatible with the origami pyramid pixels I created and showed in the last video.
So you can mix and match origami tricornes and pyramids (and also the flat square and triangle pixels) to create stunning wall art!
If you haven't tried the origami pyramids pixels yet, I recommend you try them first as they are slightly easier to make and you will get a good feel of how to join the pixels together.
To make each origami tricorne, you need one square of paper. In the video I use 15x15 cm so that you can see well, but you can use a smaller square to make a smaller tricorne. It all depends on how big the wall you want to decorate is!
Important note: this origami tricorne pixel is an original origami model designed by Stéphane Gigandet and protected by copyright laws. Do not publish videos, diagrams, instructions, tutorials etc. that show how to fold and join this paper tricorne, and instead link to this video or embed it. Thank you.
To make a Tricorne Pixels in origami, please follow the instructions from this video on YouTube:
Here are the step-by-step instructions to fold a Tricorne Pixels (photo diagram and/or video).
1. 3 origami tricorne pixels joined on the back with a pyramid pixel. A simple but already interesting composition.
2. If you make 6 origami tricornes, you can arrange them in an hexagon. It looks a bit like a citrus slice.
3. On the back, the hexagon looks more like a star or a snowflake.
4. A variation of the tricorne pixel is to make an inverted tricorne.
5. If you join inverted tricornes with regular tricornes, you can make a foldable star.
6. Another variation of the tricorne module is to create more ridges, like this double tricorne.
I have created other new kinds of pyramid pixels that I also show in the video: - an inverted (inside out) tricorne - a slanted tricorne - a double tricorne
All of them are compatible with each other, so you will have a lot of opportunities to get creative! I will show how to fold them soon in new videos, so please subscribe to get notified. It also encourages me a lot to create more original origami models . :-)
Please leave a comment to tell me what you think of those new origami tricornes. Do you prefer the front side (the lemon / lime slices) or the back side (the star or ice crystal / snowflake)?
I'd love to see what you create with the tricornes and pyramids, so please send me pictures to so that I can add them to the web site and show them in future videos. Let's share cool DIY home decor and interior design ideas made with the pyramids and tricornes!
At the end of the video I show cool mosaics that you have made for the collaborative origami mosaic. If you would like to participate as well, all the details are on
Thank you very much and happy folding!
If you fold those Tricorne Pixels, please send me pictures of your paper Tricorne Pixels for 3D Paper Wall Art so that I can show them here.
Have you tried this those Tricorne Pixels origami model? How did it turn out? Please tell me, and send me a picture of your model so that I can add it on this page!
If you like those Tricorne Pixels and my other origami models, you can support me on Patreon. Thank you!
Origami is the art of folding paper to create animals, plants, objects and geometric forms.
Origami models with easy to follow step-by-step instructions in video and photos.
Diagrams to fold origami models can be difficult to interpret sometimes. For each model we show a photo of each step so that you can easily fold all models. Each origami model also has a video that shows how to fold it.
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